Autonomous vehicles: insurance and product liability implications on land and on the high seas

Wotton + Kearney partner, Belinda Henningham, along with Peter Allchorne, Wendy Hopkins, Olya Melnitchouk, Andrew Parker and Toby Vallance from our Legalign Global Alliance partner firm, DAC Beachcroft, explore whether the insurance industry is ready for the potential shift in policy coverage relating to autonomous vehicles and crewless ships. Belinda states that”…should the Australian Federal […]

The Path to Ending Modern Slavery

The path to ending modern slavery may seem long, but if we tread it together we will secure freedom for all. A significant step along the path was taken last month, when the Australian Parliament tabled its final report, Hidden in Plain Sight, on the year-long inquiry into establishing a Modern Slavery Act in Australia. […]

Latest insight on vicarious liability and limitation issues in child sexual abuse cases

Important guidance on the determination of vicarious liability and statute of limitations in child sexual abuse cases has been provided in the High Court of Australia’s recent decision in Prince Alfred College Incorporated v ADC [2016] HCA 37. Click to read our analysis of the implications for your business prepared by Sean O’Connor and Greg […]