Bill is known for his expertise in multi-party public liability and professional indemnity matters, including those involving complex factual scenarios. Such actions invariably involve preparing complex pleadings and other court documents, which is where Bill’s drafting skills, incisiveness and eye for detail come into play.

In addition, Bill regularly provides indemnity advice on significant claims involving material damage / construction all risks policies, including advising on the operation of LEG exclusions. He also advises on property damage claims.

Bill has been recognised for several years in Doyle’s Guide. He was listed in the 2022 edition as a Preeminent Professional Indemnity Lawyer.

On instructions from London and Australian-based insurers, acted for numerous professionals in defending claims against them including:

  • A firm of building certifiers alleged to have breached contractual, tortious, and legislative duties and warranties in allegedly failing to comply with Development Act requirements in certifying and granting building approval for the construction of certain concrete silos in South Australia. The silos subsequently collapsed during their commissioning phase, resulting in multi-party Federal Court proceedings that ultimately resolved on good commercial terms before trial.
  • Directors of an ASX-listed mining company that was wound up in insolvency with debts exceeding $80 million. The directors were pursued by the company’s liquidator for insolvent trading in the Supreme Court of South Australia. After protracted, complex interlocutory steps, the claim resolved on excellent terms on the eve of trial.
  • A firm of accountants said to have breached fiduciary duties owed to a client. A multi-party claim was settled in the Federal Court on excellent terms for the insurers.
  • An accountant pursued by liquidators of a concrete supply company for allegedly aiding and abetting its directors in defrauding a supplier of in excess $12 million.
  • A director of a stormwater management company alleged to have defamed a shareholder of the company. The matter proceeded to a lengthy Supreme Court trial with judgment currently being reserved.
  • A real estate agency in a District Court franchise dispute with a franchisee said to have been misled about the terms of a franchise agreement.
  • Full service engineers engaged as part of the new Royal Adelaide Hospital project, which encountered significant defects leading to several complex disputes.
  • A geotechnical engineer alleged to have under-designed footings for a residential property that subsequently suffered alleged structural damage.

Acted for several insureds in property liability matters including, significantly:

  • The owner and operator of rail networks in SA, NSW, Victoria and WA stemming from a number of train derailments resulting in damage to locomotives, rolling stock and consignment goods.
  • A power network provider in the NT that was sued by a landowner after a fire destroyed a property in regional NT.

Bill has also provided indemnity advice regarding several significant claims made on policies underwritten for the Government of South Australia’s major infrastructure projects.

Areas of Expertise
  • Construction + Infrastructure
  • Directors + Officers Liability
  • Professional Liability
  • Property Damage

Industry Representation
  • Construction + Infrastructure
  • Healthcare + Life Sciences
  • Professions + Business Services

Professional Affiliations
  • Australian Insurance Law Association
  • Australian Professional Indemnity Group
  • Law Society of South Australia