Andrea specialises in public sector litigation and assists numerous NSW government entities. In addition to her experience in civil matters, Andrea also has expertise managing coronial inquiries.

Due to her specialist knowledge regarding the varying nuances of different public sector agencies, Andrea is attuned to managing possible media exposure and reputational issues. Where appropriate, Andrea will work to resolve matters early and prior to hearing.

With excellent communication skills and a keen interest in keeping us to date with current developments, Andrea has developed a considered approach which allows her to work seamlessly with public agencies’ current and former employees to obtain the information necessary to assist the agencies to properly investigate, resolve or defend a matter.

  • Various government agencies – Andrea has experience in a wide variety of matters from small claims worth less than $50,000 to catastrophic claims worth in excess of $10 million.
  • Assisting the State of NSW with the Lindt Café siege inquest. Andrea has had involvement considering policy relating to bail (relevant to the second section of the Lindt Café siege enquiry) and also had involvement in reviewing and considering the brief of evidence for the final section of the inquest specific to what happened on the day of the siege.
  • Acting for the State of NSW with respect to intentional tort claims commenced against the NSW Police Force. Andrea has dealt with a variety of matters including assault, battery, false imprisonment and malicious prosecution. Andrea has prepared matters for and attended at mediations and hearings in these matters. Andrea also has experience dealing with the appeal process from decisions made in the District Court.
  • Andrea also has experience working on negligence claims brought by former employees against the NSW Police Force. Andrea has successfully resolved many of these matters prior to hearing.
  • In 2014, the Attorney General first called for submissions to assist with the review of the Coroners Act 2009 (NSW) and Andrea had significant involvement in drafting submissions on behalf of the Law Society’s Medico-Legal Liaison Committee. The final report regarding this review is expected to be released in the near future.
  • Andrea is involved with the Coroners Users Group initially convened by Deputy State Coroner Hugh Dillon and taken over by State Coroner Michael Barnes. Andrea assisted to develop a draft practice note for use in medical inquests.
Areas of Expertise
  • Government
  • Healthcare + Life Sciences
  • Inquiries, Investigations + Prosecutions
  • Personal Injury

Industry Representation
  • Public Sector + Education
  • Healthcare + Life Sciences

Professional Affiliations
  • Australian Insurance Law Association
  • Coroner’s Court Medico-Legal Users Group (January 2015 to current)
  • Law Society Medico-Legal Liaison Committee (2013 to current)
  • Law Society of New South Wales